
为博物馆工作做好准备, 画廊, 非营利组织, 档案, 图书馆和其他组织与 艺术史硕士学位 在亿德体育 泰勒艺术与建筑学院. 这两年, 艺术管理-track or 研究-track program serves as a gateway to the best doctoral 艺术历史 programs for students seeking careers in academia or research. Both the 36-credit 艺术管理 track program and the 30-credit 研究-track program equip students with the skills needed for a wide range of careers in a world where visual literacy and cultural production play a vital role in shaping society.

对视觉艺术和更广泛的艺术形式进行深入的研究, 研究他们的文化, 随时间变化的历史和风格背景. 学习运用批判理论来理解艺术史, to develop original research and to organize a sustained project while working collaboratively with 艺术家, 管理员, 教育工作者, 学生及市民. 艺术 management track students develop practical knowledge while working with cultural practitioners, 艺术家, 创造性的企业家, 社区组织, 以及政府机构.

泰勒的 高素质的教师队伍 提供广泛的研究专业知识,包括

  • 新兴的数字技术,
  • 现当代艺术,尤其是在北美和拉丁美洲,
  • 文艺复兴和巴洛克时期的意大利,西班牙,德国和荷兰,
  • 古地中海
  • 伊斯兰世界,
  • 加勒比地区散居的非洲人的艺术,以及
  • 印刷、摄影和媒体理论的历史.

The 艺术史硕士 program is committed to one-on-one mentorship and empowers each student to select a faculty mentor in their first year of 研究.

作为泰勒的研究生, you have access to the resources of a world-class art and architecture school; a large, public research university; and a robust city rich with opportunities for primary-source research, 职业发展和个人充实. You will also join a strong network of Tyler alumni across the region and the country. 



  • 艺术管理


The 艺术管理 track provides a specialized degree pathway for students seeking to advance cultural practice, 艺术的生产和呈现, 通过成为艺术专业人士来建设社区, 文化组织者和领导者. Students learn about both historical and current forces that shape arts institutions, 包括机构特派团的主题领域, 艺术经济学, 战略规划, 管治与道德. Course work prepares students for leadership and management roles to align operation and program decisions with mission and social values.

除了艺术史理论的研究生课程, 艺术管理轨道的核心课程培养专业实践技能, discuss social and pollical theory embodied within cultural organizations and examine past, 该领域的当前和未来模型. Course selection is tailored to each student as they develop an understanding of leadership, 为非营利和商业部门的艺术提供本地环境, 艺术方面, 挑战艺术工作者的道德和法律问题. 经验学分和/或实习需要在这个项目轨道.


研究轨道提供了艺术史的基础, 建筑和物质文化通过广泛的方法, 由多元化的教师和创新的课程设置和方法促进. The global reach of the curriculum provides a foundation for careers in research at arts-related organizations or as a strong basis for further 研究 at the PhD level. This track supports both a breadth of art historical knowledge and opportunity to develop a special area focus or subfield. Students work closely with a primary advisor selected during the first year of 研究 to help map out a suitable curriculum and ultimately develop an in-depth qualifying paper.

类 & 课程

Both tracks of the 艺术史硕士 program can be completed on a part- or full-time basis. 在进入艺术史硕士课程后, students complete a three-credit historiography course that studies the key months and critical approaches of 艺术历史 in their first fall semester. This course also introduces students to some of the resources and arts institutions in the city. Students enhance their research and communication capabilities by passing a reading examination in one foreign language before the end of coursework.

除了实习或实地考察, 艺术管理专业的学生完成三个学分 艺术管理实务导论 课程和完成他们的学位与个性化的顶点课程. 这些学生可以选修各种各样的课程, 包括泰勒建筑学院和艺术教育系, 或坦普尔教育学院, 福克斯商学院, 或克莱因媒体与传播学院.

Students in the 研究 track take 27 credits of graduate-level 艺术历史 courses (up to six credits may be taken outside of the 艺术历史 department), with at least two courses covering periods up to 1750 and at least two from 1750-present; and at least four geographic or subject areas covered. The program culminates in the writing of an original qualifying paper during their final semester, 与他们选择的主要顾问密切合作.


  • 美国文化中的艺术与环境
  • 版画历史与理论“,
  • 拉丁美洲现当代艺术
  • 当代艺术研讨会:研究纠葛:艺术实践、策展工作与理论
  • 艺术管理主题:艺术、获取和公民生活
  • 主题在全球艺术:介绍加勒比艺术




学费 & 费用

为了与坦普尔大学对获取和负担得起的承诺保持一致, this Master of 艺术 offers a competitive level of tuition with multiple opportunities for financial support.

学费 rates are set annually by the university and are affected by multiple factors, 包括课程学位水平(本科或研究生), 课程负荷(全日制或非全日制), 居住在州内或州外, 和更多的. 这些学费适用于2023-2024学年.

宾夕法尼亚州居民: $1,053.每学分00美元
州外: $1,449.每学分00美元

你可以看到完整的 学生财务服务网站上的出勤费用明细.